
Discover the impactful ways crowdsourcing – the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal, often for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency – is being applied on many different levels and across various industries.

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

In recent weeks, as Trump has assumed his position as the President of the United States, the differences between himself and the Obama administration have become clearer. Despite all odds, however, there is one area common to both administrations that is set to...

Sweden is the top country to invest in*

Sweden is the top country to invest in*

After two decades of economic transformation, Sweden is top of Forbes’s 2016 list of countries that are the most inviting for capital investment.* Undoubtedly this is great news for Sweden, a country that is definitely punching above its economic weight. Though...

Crowdsourcing Competitive Innovation

Crowdsourcing Competitive Innovation

Peter Diamandis is saying: 99.999% of people don't understand or appreciate the ramifications of what is coming and I agree 100% here. Innovation is the essential component when we are considering how to solve the world’s biggest challenges, and the best place to...

CSW Summit in Sweden’s Arctic Circle, March 15-19

CSW Summit in Sweden’s Arctic Circle, March 15-19

Why CSW chose Swedish Lapland for its Summit in March Sweden is recognised as a nation at the forefront of the sharing economy, stemming from an inherently high level of social consciousness and supportive government policies that even allow tax breaks on repairs to...

Art of Possibilities Beyond Planet Earth

Art of Possibilities Beyond Planet Earth

This was the title of an impactful, mind-stretching panel session at CSW Europe 2016, held in Brussels 21-25 November. At its heart, what can we learn from issues dealing with space exploration that is transferable to improve life back on Earth? Karen Eng, a freelance...

Great Design is the Secret to Great Crowdsourcing

Great Design is the Secret to Great Crowdsourcing

Design plays a key role in the effectiveness of crowdsourcing platforms, new research from Eindhoven University of Technology shows. The steady growth of crowdsourcing in recent years brings significant challenges such as increasing competition, delivering high...

Co-creation – constraints or freedoms?

Co-creation – constraints or freedoms?

Today, more than ever, customers of different organisations are able to engage to such a degree in the development and use of the items that companies sell or provide to them that they effectively become co-creators. We can say that co-creation with customers...