
Attend CSW Global 2015 in Singapore as a YAP Fellow

A life-changing opportunity: become a Young Achiever Program (YAP) Fellow. Are you a young thought leader in the crowd economy eager to make your impact? Do you want to participate in the Crowdsourcing Week Global 2015 conference in Singapore and kickstart your...

16 Tweets That Summed Up the SOLD OUT #CSWVenice

The feedback and stories from the SOLD OUT #CSWVenice, held March 5&6 at H Farm Ventures could be summed up in one word - "inspirational". One of our YAP fellows, Alessandro Cassarotti- Empleko put it perfectly, "Inspirational. It was a stream of unique insights...

Summit: 2nd Round of Fellows Join the YAP Initiative in Venice

Summit: 2nd Round of Fellows Join the YAP Initiative in Venice

More good news coming: we have selected a second round of YAP fellows to participate in CSW Venice Summit! These brilliant young minds will join the change makers of our YAP initiative and become a part of an aspiring community in the crowd economy. Let's introduce...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup February 27

Wow! We’re already on the 58th day of 2015 and as we count the days ahead, news on crowdsourcing keep on churning day by day. We sure hope you’ve already made up your mind with the viral topic on the color of this dress that has shaken the crowd on the Internet. As...

The Pebble Watch Success Formula: Crowds

  Pebble Watch! What can I say, this company is a poster child for what we are trying to do at Crowdsourcing Week. Here is a company that has truly embedded crowds into its organizational DNA and the results are there for everyone to see.   ICYMI Pebble Watch is...

CSW Summit Jakarta Rallies

  This week's CSW Summit Jakarta was a great success with a packed audience that soaked in very relevant topics on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.  Jakarta is the first of a 4-city tour on the road to Crowdsourcing Week Global 2015, the largest global meet on the...

12 Books on Crowdsourcing Every Innovator Should Read

Real leaders are readers. Do you agree? To jumpstart the second-half of  February, we’ve scouted these 12 crowdsourcing books every innovator should read to keep abreast on the industry, including crowdfunding, open-innovation, crowd economy, collaborative...

Summit: Italian Young Achievers in Crowdsourcing Announced

Summit: Italian Young Achievers in Crowdsourcing Announced

Drumroll please! We are pleased to announce the first round of successful YAP candidates who will join us at CSW Summit in Venice, March 5 & 6. The Young Achievers Program is a very special initiative that is dear to us at Crowdsourcing Week. After a very...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup February 20

It's not easy to do a short news roundup, when the world is buzzing with records on crowdfunding and innovative ideas on crowdsourcing arising everyday. Yet, it's the end of the week and it's time to make a gist of what caught our eye this week in economics, politics...

One Step Closer to People Powered Investments

A famous ancient poet Lao Tzu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,” and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the central banking authority of the country, releasing a consultation paper that outlines proposals of security based...

A People-Powered Economy Says No to Conventional Barriers

  Clash of Civilizations. It has been in headlines for ages. Now we can observe a new global clash. A conservative vs. inventive mindset. Innovation vs. the comfortable old "business as usual." The "usual” has been disrupted and won’t stay the same. Not in our...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup February 13

We hope you're not caught up with today's triskaidekaphobia bug. And before the midnight strikes, an advance Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Weekend is coming, and as part of our weekly digest, here’s a roundup of news about crowdsourced security threats, traffic...

Transpay: Moving Money in the Crowd Economy Just Got Easier

In another sign that the crowd economy has arrived - we are seeing the launch of a payment system that will replace antiquated banks and financial instruments that were a hindrance to the new economy and the future of work. Transpay is making it easier than ever for...

Mighty Morphin Power Crowd Finance: How to Disrupt the Rich 1%

Last month, the British anti-poverty organization, Oxfam International released a report on the state of the world’s resources, saying that the “richest 1% will own more than all the rest by 2016.” With such ominous prediction seen on the headlines, which coincided...

Apply for the CSW Summit Venice Young Achievers Program

Photo Credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg Calling all students and young entrepreneurs in Italy who are applying their skills in crowdsourcing, crowdfunding or the sharing economy: You are invited to apply to Crowdsourcing Week's Young Achievers Program, for the chance to...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup February 6

The first week of February has come to an end and we are summing it up as always with a selection of latest news and developments in the collaborative economy. Crowdsourcing cybersecurity, e-governance, equity crowdfunding revolution and much more!Pioneering in...

Are You Disruptive? CSW Global 15 Needs Your Creative Powers

The countdown has begun: Three weeks to submit your creative graphic designs for CSW Global 2015 and to win a grand prize and worldwide recognition! For the third consecutive year we have collaborated with Talent House India, to launch a search for crowdsourced...

Crowdsourcing: From Myth to Intrinsic Reality

Crowdsourcing: From Myth to Intrinsic Reality

It’s a good thing I’m not easily discouraged. In 2009, when I was sowing the seeds for what would become Crowdsourcing Week,  a vehicle to enable dialogue and knowledge transfer on the principles of crowdsourcing, I read a piece titled, The Myth of Crowdsourcing, by...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup January 30

The weekend is finally here! Here’s our weekly dose of the latest updates on - the World Economic Forum meeting, the power of crowdfunding on payment processes and real-estate ventures, why established brands flock to creative crowdsourcing sites, crowdsourcing in the...

2015 Global Crowdsourcing Survey – Our 2nd Annual Pulsecheck

We're back again fielding our seminal research about the crowd economy and all its various component parts - crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and crowd equity, open innovation and collective intelligence, the sharing economy and the peer-to-peer marketplace, online...

Top 9 Advances in Crowdsourced Applications To Watch Out

An edited version of this post first appeared on Virgin. Crowdsourcing in 2014 has experienced tremendous transformations and played a major role in the convergence of technology, business, and disruptive ideas to make the world a global stage of infinite...