
Discover the impactful ways crowdsourcing – the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal, often for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency – is being applied on many different levels and across various industries.

When Crowdsourcing Doesn’t Work

When Crowdsourcing Doesn’t Work

Crowdsourcing is a great tool for solving problems, but just like any other tool--it doesn't solve everything. As the saying goes, when all you've got is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail. Crowdsourcing will never be the one-all solve-all tool for problem...

EdTech in Latin America: Three Trends to Watch

When it comes to technology’s education-related potential, it is largely the populations of developing economies who stand to benefit the most. This is certainly the case of Latin America, where the edtech market had a stellar 2012 and is poised to have an even better...

Geosocial Universe 3.0: The Integrated Giants [Graphic]

Geosocial Universe 3.0: The Integrated Giants [Graphic]

Alongside our third version of the Geosocial Universe, JESS3 created three additional snackables — think of them as moons in the orbit of the full graphic. Here’s the first one: The Integrated Giants. For this graphic, we used a survey from Pingdom, an uptime...

Arun Mehra: This is the Era for Collaboration

Crowdsourcing Week interviewed Arun Mehra, the Chief Executive Officer with Talenthouse India, an online platform pioneering in creative collaboration. He is an entertainment industry veteran with over 18 years of experience spanning O&M, MTV, BCCL and Reliance...

Can Quality Come from the Crowd?

A few weeks ago, I came across a new Brazilian startup, Widbook – a.k.a. the YouTube of Books (according to Mashable). A sort of literary social network with a crowd-based twist, Widbook is a space where aspiring writers can put their work on display and collaborate...

The Ins of the Outs of Crowdsourcing

To garner any lasting benefits from Crowdsourcing, going 'out there' needs internal trust.  Without that trust much energy will be expended by a few people, only to see potentially business changing ideas fall on to infertile soil. There are some key things that your...

A Quality Framework for Crowds

The number 1 issue facing the entire wave of crowdsourcing companies today is quality.  Everyone can setup a service that is cheaper and has a faster turnaround time, but quality is holding the industry back. In some recent discussions, we came up with a simple...

The Geosocial Universe 3.0 [INFOGRAPHIC]

In a time not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away, a little phenomenon was born that united the people of cyberspace through geographic services and social networking. In August 2010, JESS3 took one giant step for geosocial networking with the introduction of The...

Jokers In The Pack

In Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, the villainous Joker uses crowds to facilitate anarchy.  He crowd sources his rebellion via a twisted yet innate understanding of the collective. That it fails is a function of how the culture of popular commerce feels guilty about...