Citizen Engagement

Interaction between citizens and governments to canvass and influence collective public opinion on civic policy-making and budget spending

Countdown to CSW Summit Arctic Circle 2017

Countdown to CSW Summit Arctic Circle 2017

A previous article shone a spotlight on several crowdsourcing success stories from Sweden, and the country that birthed technologies from Skype to Spotify is striving to foster other technologies that could influence the world in coming decades. Ahead of our CSW...

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

In recent weeks, as Trump has assumed his position as the President of the United States, the differences between himself and the Obama administration have become clearer. Despite all odds, however, there is one area common to both administrations that is set to...

Crowdsourcing Competitive Innovation

Crowdsourcing Competitive Innovation

Peter Diamandis is saying: 99.999% of people don't understand or appreciate the ramifications of what is coming and I agree 100% here. Innovation is the essential component when we are considering how to solve the world’s biggest challenges, and the best place to...

How co-creation is shaping the future of cities

How co-creation is shaping the future of cities

As the famous urban activist Jane Jacobs once wrote, "Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody." It's a truth that lies at the heart of a number of urban co-creation projects, which tap...

Searching for the Crowdsourcing Stars

Searching for the Crowdsourcing Stars

For many of us, it's possible when we think of 'Crowdsourcing' what comes to mind is the Kickstarter of an exciting cause or product that we recently contributed financially to (often to support a friend whose involved in it) after seeing it promoted on social media....

The Second Wave of the Crowd Economy is Coming. Are you Ready?

The Second Wave of the Crowd Economy is Coming. Are you Ready?

In my last blog post, I talked about how disruptors are getting disrupted and elimination of the business ‘middle man.’ Today I want to look back at the first wave of the Crowd Economy and the impact it has made since its birth at the height of the last recession. But...

Citizen Engagement Rewarded in Copenhagen with Greater Urban Mobility

Citizen Engagement Rewarded in Copenhagen with Greater Urban Mobility

In Denmark’s capital, cycling and citizen engagement are bywords woven into the city’s culture—and this week the two have been rewarded with Copenhagen City Council’s announcement that it’s investing big in new intelligent traffic signal technology. With a budget of...

How Governments Apply Crowdsourcing To Spark Citizen Empowerment

How Governments Apply Crowdsourcing To Spark Citizen Empowerment

Crowdsourcing. We talk about it. We educate people how to use it. But it is also an overused and underappreciated word, according to Forbes. Its influence is now spawning to government affairs thanks to the Internet. In 2013, President Obama called out to the federal...

Civic Crowdfunding Can Revive the Citizens-Politics Relationship

 The relation between citizens and representative democracy is in a deep crisis, as indicated by a fall in the number of voters l in many countries all around the world. It's a global phenomenon caused by the wide gap, that is growing every day between...

Digital Diplomacy to put Kosovo on the Global Map

“Facebook has recognized Kosovo.” You must have seen these viral headlines about a year ago. Now we get behind the scenes at CSW Europe in Copenhagen and get to know who has driven this change. The project of Digital Kosovo has existed for a little over one year. In...

Indonesia’s Joko Widodo to Crowdsource Cabinet

  Indonesia's Joko Widodo to Crowdsource Cabinet, Boosting People Participation in Government "An inclusive government" was the campaign mantra of Indonesia's Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on his way to winning to the country's presidential election results announced on July...

Nanjira Sambuli: Crowdsourcing Can Help Us Relearn Africa

The Crowdsourcing Approach to Data Collection [#Crowdchat Recap] Nanjira Sambuli of iHub discusses crowdsourcing for citizen awareness campaigns and her recently developed framework for the viability of election-based crowdsourcing in the March 5, 2014 Twitter...

Public Sector Crowdsourcing in Malaysia – Citizen Engagement

People around the world are now jumping on the crowdsourcing bandwagon for a variety of intended outcomes.  Being in the innovation space, its fairly encouraging to see that the Malaysian government’s foray into crowdsourcing had, in fact, started a few years ago (and...

Singapore Day 2013 – Many Stories, One Singapore

Singapore Day 2013 – Many Stories, One Singapore

August 9, 2013 is the 48th celebration of Singapore National Day and every year it is celebrated with a National Day Parade (NDP). Singapore uses the opportunity not just to celebrate the nation’s history and heritage but also as a nation building exercise. Organizers...

How the Young and Dynamic Are Revitalizing Detroit

Detroit, the iconic American city will never leave the public eye. Once representative of America's manufacturing powers, the city has fallen with the challenging economic climate, even recently filing for municipal bankruptcy. Many see this city as a land of missed...

Will Pressure from the Crowd Help Improve Your Health?

You can use your smartphone to find a local ATM, but what if you need a defibrillator? Lucien Engelen shows us online innovations that are changing the way we save lives, including a crowdsourced map of local defibrillators. Via TED, Lucien Engelen is a technologist...

NASA Turns to the Crowds For New Website Ideas is looking for change and is turning to its users for input. NASA has opened up a forum on the platform Ideascale. An innovation platform, for collaboration, Ideascale can help bring out the best ideas from your customers and stakeholders by giving them a...

A Framework for Political Crowdfunding

The recent presidential election in the United States was the most expensive race in history, with Mitt Romney and Barack Obama spending about $1 billion respectively on their efforts to win the White House. While both candidates raised hundreds of millions of...