Crowdsourcing informative news and blog

How Can Crowdsourced Data Annotation Help With Data Structures?

Crowdsourcing data annotation involves outsourcing data labeling and annotation tasks to large groups of non-employee individuals

Crowdsourcing News Roundup – July 17

Crowdsourcing News Roundup – July 17

Curious on what’s happening and what’s hot in the crowdsourcing industry? Here is a curated weekly roundup of the breaking news and must-read thought leadership pieces on the crowd economy this week such as crowdfunding, open innovation, sharing economy, future...

Newest #CSWEurope15 Speakers to Talk Citizen Engagement

We are thrilled to announce the next round of speakers for Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015 (#CSWEurope15). The lineup of speakers is getting even better with participation from these five innovators, crowdsourcing influencers and disrupters who will share valuable and...

This Week In Crowdsourcing: News Roundup July 11

Topics such as Greek financial crisis, China’s shocking move in the stock market and other finance news hit the headlines this week. And though financial and investment trading is quite getting more chaotic every day, at Crowdsourcing Week, we focus in educating...

We Don’t Ask Very Good Questions, Do We?

A spirit of inquiry animates the practice of collaborative innovation.What questions, were we to pursue them together, might lead to authentic breakthroughs?Creative thinkers such as Art Van Gundy, Peter Block, the creators of the World Café, and others guide us in...

Google’s Foray Into The Sharing Economy: RideWith

Ride-sharing and carpooling have been popular under the sharing economy slice. Uber popularized it, spawning to various ridesharing apps to monetization strategies worldwide to big brands such as Audi, Ford and BMW jumping on the bandwagon with a custom sharing...

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup July 4

This Week in Crowdsourcing: News Roundup July 4

May the “fourth” be with you! As we celebrate America’s Independence Day, we also couldn’t take our eyes off with what’s happening in the crowdsourcing space. Beyond the fireworks, parties and on the other side of the world, the Greek financial crisis, here is a...

New Speakers To Talk Crowdsourced Cities

The speaker line-up for CSW Europe 2015 just got even more interesting. We are proud to present 5 more innovators ready to bring cutting edge information on crowd economy applications to the stage in Brussels, October 19-23. Take a peek into their bios and the topics...

This Week In Crowdsourcing: News Roundup June 27

This Week In Crowdsourcing: News Roundup June 27

There’s always something to look forward to in the crowd economy every day. It’s never boring. From Google that announced its new crowdsourcing platform for journalists and entrepreneurs to Ford’s new peer-to-peer car sharing venture, and then Uber’s plans in China,...

Europe in the New Economy

This is a guest post by Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero, Principal Administrator at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.  Two strong trends are emerging in the western world that, at first glance, appear contradictory: on the one...

Crowdsourcing Games: From Entertainment to Space Probes

Crowdsourcing Games: From Entertainment to Space Probes

When asked where can we use crowdsourcing, the answer is simple. Anything. Gaming is becoming a popular application for crowdsourcing that is gaining traction as serious gamers want more than to just play the game.  Well, you won’t just be playing the Super Mario Game...

This Week In Crowdsourcing: Roundup News June 20

This Week In Crowdsourcing: Roundup News June 20

In the CSW Global 2015 conference, one of the so many “quotable” and “tweetable” insights that were strikingly true today: “Crowdsourcing… this is not just in Silicon Valley… it’s a global movement,” Sean Moffitt said. And as you read this curated weekly roundup of...

7 European Countries Embracing Crowd Economy

7 European Countries Embracing Crowd Economy

What makes these 7 European countries unique? What is this “crowd economy” that we are talking about? A New Paradigm: 14 parts of the Crowd Economy Landscape tells us that the sharing economy is actually a subsect of the crowd economy umbrella. The crowd economy, as...

BOLD Awards