
Open Innovation: Needs versus Opportunities

Too often, open innovation initiatives at big companies focus on needs – and needs only. You have a specific challenge to solve, you write up rfp’s and you reach out in your network. Solving problems is an important element of open innovation and it can bring lots of...

Threadless to Host ‘Make Our Day’ Event

Threadless is coming to Singapore to party with you on Nov. 10!  Join Threadless founder Jake Nickell & Threadstaffers Josh & Craig for a few hours of artistic awesomeness. Meet the founder, check out local artists' work, show off some Threadless designs, rock...

ImageBrief: Stop Searching for Stock Images

ImageBrief is revolutionizing the way we source stock images. The "endless browsing" of search results stops here. Now, you submit a brief and let a creative crowd of professional photographers respond to your request. You only see the photos that meet your filter...

The Crowd has Spoken: NYC Marathon Cancelled Amid Public Outburst

The New York City Marathon, which has run every year since 1970, including in 2001, two months after Sept 11 has been cancelled, in wake of the havoc and distress caused by Superstorm Sandy. Public displeasure over the fact that critical resources could be diverted to...

Crowdsourcing Week Workshops in NYC: Pioneers Share Market Insights

Ross Dawson, internationally recognized authority on crowdsourcing, lead workshops on Thursday, October 25 and Friday, October 26 in New York City. The workshops, organized by Crowdsourcing Week are the first in a series that will be held in coming months in different...

A Timeline That Shows How Big Brands Use Crowdsourcing

A Timeline That Shows How Big Brands Use Crowdsourcing

  A couple of days ago, eYeka presented the first visualization of the use of crowdsourcing by brands over time. This interactive timeline, called Crowdsourcing by World's Best Global Brands shows how the use of crowdsourcing has exploded since the early 2000's....

Kiva Launches Microlending in India is now working in India. The microlending non-profit made the announcement yesterday in a press release. What's The Big Deal And why India? 32% of the population falls below the international poverty line. And 68% of the population is living on less than $2 a...

4 Examples of Revolutionary Crowdsourcing Projects

4 Examples of Revolutionary Crowdsourcing Projects

The crowdsourcing -- work process -- has been getting a great deal of attention. In part, crowdsourcing can thank Jeff Howe for all this attention. But to be clear crowdsourcing has existed well before Howe coined the phrase. I can argue that crowdsourcing has existed...

Video: Speaking with USAID’s Stephanie Grosser About Crowdsourcing

Yesterday we spoke with Stephanie Grosser -- Communications Specialist -- for USAID. We spent the large part of our conversation discussing crowdsourcing. This was an interesting conversation. USAID used the crowd to locate USAID Development Credit Authority (DCA)...

Singapore Celebrates its 47 Years of Independence

The Lion City, 47 years ago separated from Malaysia and gained its independence to become the Republic of Singapore. And its planning an incredible National Day Parade (NDP) to celebrate. A Brief History Singapore has a rich history. The southeast asian city-state can...

Will Crowdfunding Platforms Help Fund Civic Projects

  Thinking Kickstarter When we hear crowdfunding many of us -- including me -- think Kickstarter. Which is understandable since the crowdfunding company has successfully launched over 65 thousand projects. And has over $305 million in total dollars pledged to all...

Crowdsourcing Contest Reveals the Hilton Brand

Crowdsourcing Contest Reveals the Hilton Brand

French reserachers Lobre & Lebraty say that the value of crowdsourcing lies in the innovativeness of ideas and in the authenticity of contributions. This post is about a specific case where crowdsourcing is being used by a company to get authentic market feedback...

Crowdsourcing? Why Can’t I Simply Outsource?

So let’s start with the fundamentals -- outsourcing vs. crowdsourcing. Outsourcing The Project So why do you outsource? Wikipedia gives a very nice answer to your question: The most common reasons why companies decide to outsource include cost reduction and cost...

Wil Merritt: Is Crowdsourcing Content the Future of Advertising

Can you believe it?! This is our 3rd CrowdChat and we have a number of industry experts lined-up for future chats. Who Is Wil Merritt? Today Wil is the CEO at And he has an extensive career in the marketing and advertising space. Merritt spent an...

Infographic: Crowd-Powered Collaboration for Your Business

Crowdsourcing - a phrase that has become more regular in many marketing and business conversations. But as with many movements, although it's been talked about for years, it's still not being fully embraced by many businesses. It's understandable as there are certain...

4 Suggestions for Building User-Generated Content

Every business needs content in order to be found in search, and to differentiate them from the competition. Without quality, helpful content (and lots of it), you’re lost in a school of fish that are all the same color. Who’s going to find you? Who’s going to pick...

Lucien Engelen: Crowdsourcing & Healthcare — The Future!

Who Is Lucien Engelen I am very excited to say that tomorrow will be our 2nd CrowdChat. And we will be speaking with Lucien Engelen -- Director of Radboud REshape & Innovation Center. Engelen is passionate about healthcare. And what I find most impressive is that...

How the Use of Crowdsourcing is Empowering the African Citizen

911 Data Collection 240 million phone calls are made to 911 in the U.S., every year. The number in Europe is probably higher. The number in most African countries is impossible to ascertain. 911 and its variants across the globe are an old example of crowdsourcing...

Video: Crowdsourcing Week Speaks with Max Sidorov on Google Hangout

Yesterday I published an article where I discussed some of my personal feelings about Max Sidorov. And last night Epi Ludvik and I where able to speak with Max. We used Google+ Hangouts on Air -- it was fun and Epi was feeling rather comical last night. Obviously, I...

10 Reasons Crowdsourcing will Transform the Way we Work

Mechanisms such as Crowdsourcing are about to fundamentally change the way we perform and organize work. Conventional organizational structures are about to become more loose and in addition to (well known) outsourcing initiatives, companies have to consider...

Max Sidorov Social Maverick or Just a Nice Guy

So what has not been said or covered by the media when it comes to Max Sidorov. Some call him a saint, others call Max a hero but Karen Klein just calls Sidorov -- “a nice guy.” Personally, as a father and son, I would just like to shake his hand and buy him a beer or...