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How to Avoid Reward Crowdfunding Pitfalls

How to Avoid Reward Crowdfunding Pitfalls

Reward crowdfunding has come a long way from its early days on Indiegogo and Kickstarter as a way of raising money to support creative ideas and projects. There have been projects that generated millions of dollars’ worth of pre-orders for exciting new products, and...

Automatic Speech Recognition Systems and Crowdsourcing

Automatic Speech Recognition Systems and Crowdsourcing

A wide range of industry sectors are using speech technology, helping people to save time, improve effectiveness and efficiency, and ultimately even save lives. Key sectors where advances are being made include consumer durables, automotive, healthcare, banking and...

Freedom of Speech and Crowdfunding

Freedom of Speech and Crowdfunding

A donations crowdfunding project launched by a former Google employee has exceeded its $130,000 target, with contributions from over 3,000 backers. A senior software engineer claims first-hand knowledge that Google has been exercising censorship, suppressing legal...

The Impact and Roles of Crowdsourcing in the Information Age

The Impact and Roles of Crowdsourcing in the Information Age

The coming together of miniaturization that began with microfilm, the advent of digital technology, and the proliferation of personal computers and then other portable devices, has enabled governments, commercial businesses, non-profit organizations, and billions of...

How to Take Advantage of Crowdsourced AI Datasets from DefinedCrowd

How to Take Advantage of Crowdsourced AI Datasets from DefinedCrowd

Speech controlled apps and software, and voice recognition are swiftly moving from being a novelty to an everyday user expectation. Demand for voice-activated systems and devices is forecast to grow from what was a $9 billion market in 2017 to almost $32 billion by...

How Crowdsourcing Measures Can Tackle Mass Unemployment

How Crowdsourcing Measures Can Tackle Mass Unemployment

In the seven years since I launched Crowdsourcing Week the Covid-19 pandemic is undoubtedly the biggest, and most awful global phenomenon. The pandemic lockdowns announced by most national governments meant the worldwide pool of available skilled labor grew virtually...

Top 10 Automated Accounts Payable Software for Tech Startups

Top 10 Automated Accounts Payable Software for Tech Startups

It’s no exaggeration to say that during the pandemic there has been an explosion in the numbers of people and businesses paying money to, or expecting payment from, marketplace platforms. As a result, it’s reckoned that the amount of switching to digital technology...

Reasons Why Corporate Businesses Turn to Rewards Crowdfunding

Reasons Why Corporate Businesses Turn to Rewards Crowdfunding

There are numerous reasons major corporations use reward crowdfunding. Key factors include that it is highly accurate field research conducted in real time. The same motivations that make a startup entrepreneur want to validate their idea for a new product or service...

Crowdsourcing Leverages the Power of Collective Consciousness

Crowdsourcing Leverages the Power of Collective Consciousness

The Virtual Crowd Summit attendees on September 17 heard insights covering Collective Consciousness from a true collection of global experts.  This article recaps the key issues the speakers covered regarding the benefits, demands and procedures of pulling together...

What Makes Sweden “The Innovation Nation”?

What Makes Sweden “The Innovation Nation”?

The gig market was already booming in Sweden, and Covid has increased the pace of change in an already mature freelance and gig marketplace. Sweden is also a global innovation leader, producing a disproportionate number of unicorn businesses including Skype, Spotify...

Top Insights to Successful Equity Crowdfunding

Top Insights to Successful Equity Crowdfunding

Our Virtual Crowd Summit on Crowdfunding (27 August 2020) took a comprehensive look at both reward and equity crowdfunding with insights shared by international experts. This article sums up some key insights in to equity crowdfunding. The reward crowdfunding element...

Cybercrime Protection and Support for Small Businesses

Cybercrime Protection and Support for Small Businesses

Cybersecurity finally got near to the attention level it deserves during the pandemic lockdowns in many countries. A previous article on cybersecurity flagged up some service providers that work with larger companies through crowdsourcing the expertise required to...

Top Tips for Successful Rewards Crowdfunding

Top Tips for Successful Rewards Crowdfunding

Attendees at our Virtual Crowd Summit on Crowdfunding (27 August 2020) heard an array of advice and tips from some leading global experts. Here is a round-up of some of those valuable insights in to successful Rewards Crowdfunding, from modest cause-related projects...

A Sharing Economy Major Player Plans a Return to its Roots

A Sharing Economy Major Player Plans a Return to its Roots

The sharing economy is all about interface between crowds. Such as a crowd of car drivers and a crowd of people who want to go somewhere. Or as in the case of Airbnb, a crowd of people looking for somewhere to stay and a crowd of residents who want to earn a little...

Crowdsourcing for the Evolution of a Decentralized Web

Crowdsourcing for the Evolution of a Decentralized Web

This article summarises the development of the internet to the current scenario where so many interactions are dominated by dealing with global tech giants. As data has become a more and more valuable commodity, those giants are fuelling a roaring trade using our...