csw summit amsterdam

Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2016 begins with EU support

Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2016 begins with EU support

Four days of quickfire presentations and stimulating panel discussions about the crowd economy and its impact on established markets began last night with a reception at BNP Paribas Fortis in Brussels for speakers, VIPs and guests. Maris Sefcovic, VP EU European...

Entrepreneurs are not that brave…

Entrepreneurs are not that brave…

... they just know how to ‘reduce risk’ with human and business sense. Entrepreneurs are often celebrated as risk takers; people who have the courage to achieve goals with resources outside of their control. But let me share a little secret with you: Most...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 18

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 18

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – ‘Imagine Boston 2030’ crowdsourcing the city’s future; crowdsourcing ideas for improving railways; crowdsourcing new prediction tool for better prognosis of metastatic castration-resistant...

Great Design is the Secret to Great Crowdsourcing

Great Design is the Secret to Great Crowdsourcing

Design plays a key role in the effectiveness of crowdsourcing platforms, new research from Eindhoven University of Technology shows. The steady growth of crowdsourcing in recent years brings significant challenges such as increasing competition, delivering high...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 11

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 11

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – How a Trump presidency affects real estate crowdfunding; why bike companies are turning to public money; CrowdFlower announces a scientific advisory board to combine AI and crowdsourcing and...

Editor of new crowdfunding book presents at CSW Europe 2016

Editor of new crowdfunding book presents at CSW Europe 2016

Crowdsourcing Week founder and CEO Epi Ludvik Nekaj is one of a number of worldwide contributory authors of a new book, "Crowdfunding for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation." Reading this book will provide insight on the changes taking place in crowdfunding,...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 4

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – November 4

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – NASA turning to crowdsourcing for its lunar mission; making the most out of crowdsourcing; crowdsourcing turning creative directors into curators and more ... Uber loses right to classify UK...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 28

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 28

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – Kenyans launching campaigns on Twitter to fix their roads; crowdsourcing cellphone data to help guide urban revitalization; crowdsourcing being used to raise awareness for breast cancer and more...

6 Ways To Rescue Equity Crowdfunding  Campaigns

6 Ways To Rescue Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns

It is always best to get your offer right before launch. So hopefully you will not find yourself in the position where you have a failing campaign on your hands, but what if you need to rescue an offer after it has already launched? Truthfully, it is going to be much...

What did you want to be when you grew up?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

This is perhaps rather an outmoded question, isn’t it, more suited to a “jobs for life” culture. What occupations can people choose that aren’t going to disappear over the next 25 years or so. If Uber has its way automated vehicles will put paid to many taxi and lorry...

Why work isn’t working for millennials and over-65s

Why work isn’t working for millennials and over-65s

You work hard, provide for your children, and their quality of life eventually exceeds your own. At least that’s how the world is supposed to work. When global economic disaster hit in 2008 this long-established truth was blown away with people’s homes, livelihoods...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 21

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 21

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – crowdsourcing determining climate change effects; GOP crowdsourcing Trump cabinet suggestions; NASA crowdsourcing Jupiter research and many more ... How crowdsourcing will help determine climate...

Online structured learning points the way forward

Online structured learning points the way forward

The internet is playing a bigger role in our lives, at work, buying our groceries, managing our finances, sharing social experiences and otherwise living our lives online. And more and more of us are studying online, at our own pace and at the times we choose....

Co-creation – constraints or freedoms?

Co-creation – constraints or freedoms?

Today, more than ever, customers of different organisations are able to engage to such a degree in the development and use of the items that companies sell or provide to them that they effectively become co-creators. We can say that co-creation with customers...

If the sun has so much energy why do we have to pay for anything?

If the sun has so much energy why do we have to pay for anything?

“Desert wastelands absorb enough solar energy in six hours to power the world for a year.” I was amazed when I read this in Peter Fisk’s book Gamechangers about disruptive brands and businesses. Other commentators don’t sound as positive about solar energy as a...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 14

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 14

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – The latest project to come out of Lego's crowdsourcing platform; overcoming Europe's biggest disconnect; crowdsourcing leading to better smartphone designs, and more ... The latest project to...

Smart Cities, Sharing Economy and Mobility at CSW Europe 2016

Smart Cities, Sharing Economy and Mobility at CSW Europe 2016

Big data is a market currently estimated to be worth around $40bn and projected to reach $66.8bn by 2021, according to Ben Rossi in Information Age. And up to October 2016 there have been 22,800 questions posted on Quora related to big data. Some less...

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 7

Crowdsourcing News RoundUP – October 7

Check out our curated Weekly RoundUP of the breaking and must-read news – crowdsourcing sea change; crowdfunding coming with a new guarantee; blockchain startup Antshares raising $4.5m through crowdsourcing and more ... Africans can leverage technology to raise more...